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ADAMHS launches community survey

Tom Jackson

SANDUSKY - How are we doing?

That's a question the ADAMHS Board of Erie County is posing to local citizens.

The board, a safety net organization that uses local, state and federal tax dollars to make sure everyone can get treatment for mental health problems and substance abuse problems, has launched an online survey.

A link to take the online survey is posted at the agency's website, adamhserie.org. The deadline for taking the survey is Jan. 20.

The board wants to hear from people who encounter mental health or addiction issues in a variety of ways, said Caleb Stidham, community relations coordinator for the board.

So while people who receive services are invited to take the survey, the board also welcomes people who have loved ones receiving treatment, and people who interact with the board's services in other ways, Stidham said.

Information from the survey will be used as part of the board's community assessment survey.

"The board wants to know what they are seeing, how they are being affected, and how the board can better serve them," he said.

The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services also encourages local mental health boards to carry out such surveys, Stidham said.

Stidham said in putting the survey together, he talked with state officials at the mental health department and worked with Diane Taylor, the ADAMHS board's executive director. He also looked at questions from a similar survey carried out at Huron County.

Stidham said he also tried to make the survey easy to take so it wouldn't feel like a burden on people willing to take part.

He also tried to make the survey easy to fill out, so that people willing to participate would not feel burdened by it

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