The agencies listed below provide a variety of peer, self-help and recovery support services to persons with mental illness or substance use disorders.
Holy Angels Parish
428 Tiffin Avenue
Sandusky, Ohio 44870
Phone Number: (419) 625-3698
Ministry of outreach rooted in the dignity of the human person. Serves individuals and families in need, advocates for just social structures, and urges the Church and all people of good will to work toward the common good.
326 East Market Street
Sandusky, Ohio 44870
Phone Number: (419) 626.2006
Erie Shores Network offers a variety of recovery support services, primarily focused on peer support for individuals dealing with mental health issues.
Recovery Support
- Peer Support is a peer-run mental health agency, meaning that the support is provided by individuals who have personal experience with mental health challenges. This peer support can be incredibly valuable as it comes from those who truly understand the journey.
- Socialization and Education helps members build social connections and gain knowledge about mental health and recovery.
- Therapy Dog Program, with therapy dog Luna provides comfort and support to members, helping reduce anxiety, stress, and depression.
138 East Market Street, Sandusky, Ohio 44870
Phone Number: (419) 621.9377
Sandusky Artisans Recovery Community Center offers a variety of recovery support programs, all designed to help individuals dealing with substance use and mental health disorders.
Recovery Support
- Peer Recovery Support is peer-driven, meaning they are provided by individuals who have personal experience with recovery.
- Art Programs with creative activities such as art, photography, and mask making classes, which can be therapeutic and help in expressing emotions.
- Yoga and Meditation helps in reducing stress and promoting mental well-being.