As the primary oversight agency for community behavioral health services in Erie County, the ADAMHS Board recognizes the urgent need for comprehensive crisis intervention, mental health and substance use support services.
Community Education.
Workshops, seminars, and outreach events to raise awareness about substance use and mental health issues.
Crisis and Emergency Intervention.
You are not alone. Call immediately.
24/7 crisis support call 9-8-8
Firelands Hope Line
8 a.m. to midnight every day at
(567) 867-4673 or Text: 4HOPE to 741741
If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. The NAMI HelpLine provides the one-on-one help and information necessary to tackle tough challenges that you, your family or friends are facing.
The Helpline is not a crisis line or suicide prevention line. If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis, please call 
Available Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. ET. Call 1-800-950-6264 I Text “HelpLine” to 62640
Media Campaigns.
Using media channels to disseminate information and reduce stigma.
Recovery and Treatment.
Support includes art therapy, wellness programs, inpatient, and outpatient treatment, psychological, prevention, and proven evidence-base programs.
Parenting Support.
Providing parents with resources and skills to prevent substance use and promote mental well-being in their children.
Peer Support.
Peer Supporters are individuals with lived experience who use their own journey to help others struggling with mental health and substance use disorders.
Prevention Programs.
These initiatives aim to educate and support individuals and communities, preventing drug misuse and the development of substance use disorders.
Recovery Housing.
A safe, healthy, family-like substance-free living environment that supports individuals in recovery from addiction. There are several housing options in Erie County to support individuals in their journey toward sustained recovery from addiction.
School-Based Programs.
In Erie County school-based mental health and wellness initiatives are essential for ensuring students’ well-being and readiness for learning. Connect with other parents and school staff. Attend school functions and engage in conversations.
Screenings and Assessments.
Are essential for evaluating mental health and substance use. They help identify issues early and guide treatment planning. Early detection and intervention are crucial for better outcomes.
Some ways you can help in Erie County:
1. Stay informed. Attend workshops/events.
2. Inquire about volunteer opportunities.
3. Advocate and share information to raise awareness.
To obtain resources or learn more about how you can help please contact us:
(419) 627-1908 or visit or Facebook
Your involvement can make a difference!!