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Recovery from mental disorders and substance use disorders involves a transformative process where individuals enhance their health and wellness, lead a self-directed life, and endeavor to achieve their full potential.

Recovery is bolstered by peers and allies: The mutual support provided by these groups, along with the sharing of lived experiences and skills, and the benefits of social learning, are invaluable to the recovery process. Peers motivate and engage one another, fostering a crucial sense of community, supportive relationships, valued roles, and a sense of belonging. By aiding others and contributing to the community, individuals also advance their own recovery. Peer-led support and services offer essential resources that help people navigate their recovery and wellness journeys. Professionals also contribute significantly to recovery by offering clinical treatments and services that support individuals on their chosen paths to recovery. Although peers and allies are crucial to many in recovery, their role may differ for children and youth. Peer support for families is critical for children with behavioral health challenges and can also be a supportive element for youths in recovery.

Sandusky Artisans Recovery Center
Recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.

Erie Shore Network
Peer-Run Mental Health Support.  Take a positive step toward your journey of recovery from mental illness.

The mission of Bayshore Counseling Services is to create a system of care that will engage individuals in prevention, mental health, and recovery services in order to become participants in a healthy community. 

Recovery Resources:

This brochure presents a working definition of recovery from mental disorders and substance use, accompanied by 10 guiding principles designed to enhance recovery opportunities and explains these concepts for peers, families, funders, providers, and others.

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